Saturday, October 4, 2008

Never Ending Basement

Well, this project of finishing our basement is becoming never ending I think. We are finally finished sheet rocking and have begun the mudding process. ACTUALLY we still have half of a wall to finish sheetrocking but it is raining out so we can't go get the sheet rock. But we still started the mudding process and we have now finished one coat. Next Shane will sand down the mud. Then we mud again and sand again and mud again and sand again and then texture the walls. UGGGHHH!!! This could be a long month! I am putting a time limit on this project if it isn't finished by the end of Oct. I am hiring someone to do it! So I am getting a headache of all this basement CRAP, but Shane is doing a WONDERFUL job!

I am going in on Monday to have the orthopedic look at my knee again. I am hoping to get everything done so that I can schedule a surgery date that fits in with a break for school. My knee is currently the size of two knees put together! It is a little annoying I won't lie.

Well, Hallee Jo is getting a little cold and at the moment she is taking a well needed nap. Mr. Heath is looking up the phone number for the dump. WHO KNEW THE DUMP HAD A PHONE NUMBER! Who knew the dump closed! And Who knew they charged you to dump at the dump! I am SO not in Delta anymore! lol.

Well, I am going to take a kitty cat nap! Meow! Have a Great Day!


Soap opera magnet said...

Hey I finally figured out how to get on your blog I tried to put my pix on but it did some wierd thing I think so if my picture is put on there wrong delete or fix it. I am learning these computer things slowly but surely. So did your mom tell you about us going to see "Mama Mia"? It was truely crazy. Read my latest blog entry it tells about it. I get to go get a cat scan tomarrow and then to SLC on Thursday for X-rays, and a dr. visit. It is really hard for me to grasp the whole concept that I almost really died! Its wierd and hard to explain, but its like it hasn't sunk in, it doesn't even seem like I really broke my back. I am a wierdo, I know, thats hard to explain too so I won't even go there. Luv ya JEnnY

Jeremy Stowell said...

Hey, glad to see you guys are doing great!
As far as the basement.... It takes forever :). We are almost done with ours, just got carpet a few weeks ago. But it seemed like it went on forever.
We only hired out the mudding and the carpet. But you will love it once it gets done!